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legal notice

 address: Logistik & Verpackungsservice GmbH
Neuteichnitzer Straße 26
02625 Bautzen 
 manager: Dirk Nehrig, Holm Nehrig
 phone: 03591 49680
 fax: 03591 496831
 commercial register: Registergericht Dresden HRB 17301
 sales tax identification number
  according to § 27 sales tax law:
DE 201199497
 responsible for contents according to § 6 MDStV: Dirk Nehrig, Anschrift wie oben.


The author doesn't take over guarantee for the actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author which refer to damages of material or ideal kind which were caused by the use or non-use of the presented information or by the use of faulty and incomplete information are basically excluded, provided that there exist no proved intentional or roughly careless faults. All offers are without engagement and non-binding. The author reserves the right to change, to complete, to extinguish parts of the sides or the whole offer without separate announcement or to close the publication temporarily or finally.

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The copyright for published and by the author provided objects, remains only with the author of the sides. A duplication or use of such graphics, sound documents, videosequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without explicit approval of the author.

Provided that parts or single formulations of this text should correspond to the valid legal situation no more or not completely, the remaining parts of the document, their contents and validity will remain unaffected. 

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